When developing land, some of the major concerns of the public and policy makers, include the environmental impact, stormwater run-off, erosion, and sediment leaving construction sites. This has led to more regulation regarding new developments with respect to the environmental impact of stormwater run-off issues.
At tep, our team maintains a cooperative relationship with regulatory and resource agencies, ensuring that your project has the appropriate studies and analyses of potential or existing problems regarding stormwater. We will not only study the potential problem, but also offer cost-effective solutions to address them.
Whether working with a single parcel of land or a comprehensive land plan involving thousands of acres, our stormwater department provides expertise and insight, often identifying problems before they occur.
Stormwater Services:
River & Flood Study/Analysis
Flooding & Detention
Water Quality Issues, Migration, BMP Certifications
FEMA Revisions & Mapping
Develop Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
Storm Drainage Design
Working with ODEQ (Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality)
NPDES Compliance Consultation
Hydrological & Hydraulic Studies